2014 is going to be your year.

2019 is going to be your year! I’ve updated this for 2019 because this stuff applies JUST AS MUCH to this year as it did to 3 years agos year! Wherever you see 2014, imagine it says 2019 because it means the same!

(this also applies whichever year you’re reading this article in). So how can you make this year your time to shine, your year to grow, create, explore and develop yourself beyond your wildest dreams?

‘Do something different’.

Make 2019 the year you shine

It doesn’t matter which year you’re reading this in, it was 2014 when this was written but this applies to whenever you’re reading this. It doesn’t matter what year it is, what matters is your attitude, and above all else, ‘What you do’.

The things you do and the way you do them are the only thing you need to focus on to shine this year. To make things happen, and to go beyond your limits you need to ‘do’ something different.

What do I mean by this?

I mean if you want something which you don’t have now, you need to do something which you haven’t done before. Common sense, right?

If you were doing the right thing, you would have already achieved or attained what you wanted. So, if you don’t have what you want, do something different. don’t do what you’ve always done.

How to achieve your goals in a year

Write down what you want to achieve, and work towards it every day, no matter how small the steps you take, as long as they’re in the right direction, they will help you get there.

It depends on what you want to achieve, but make sure that all the time you are thinking about your goal, our brains have an incredible ability to bring us what we focus on.

They are like fields, what you plant in them they will return. The thoughts you have and the things you do as a result will bring you to your goal, make your mind focus on what you want, and the rest will take care of itself. It will be hard work, but as long as you stay focused, you can’t fail.

Don’t give up when you’re ‘Two feet from Gold’

There was an old story about a man who was digging for gold underground.

He would spend hours every day with his digging equipment, sweating, sometimes bleeding if he cut himself on the sharp rocks and roots, and he would devote his entire being to finding and digging for gold. He started to grow tired, and he became impatient. He really just wanted to get to the gold now, and then go home and relax. He was so tired and frustrated that he decided to slow down.

A few days passed, and he grew more tired and motivation was starting to drop. He decided that there was no gold, and so he stopped digging. The next day, someone else came by and carried on where he had left off, and within a few hours, struck gold. The first man had given up just a few feet away from the gold he was working so hard to find.

The lesson here is that no matter how hard things get, if you’re on the right path, and you know where you’re going, don’t give up, because the chances are you’re closer to what you want than you think.

Make 2019 your year

So make 2019 (or whichever year you’re reading this in) your best year ever!

Every single day, remind yourself of your goals, what you hope to achieve, and how you’re going to do it. Repeat it to yourself, and keep yourself focused. You never know how close you are to your goal, but it’s not worth giving up when you could be so close. If you need to get more Motivation, watch some uplifting video or music and get back on track.

Everyone has bad days or times where they don’t feel like they’re achieving anything, but as long as you’re doing the right thing, and going in the right direction, there’s no reason to give up. Make 2019 your best year ever!