As you may remember, I failed recently. I tried the 30 challenge, and I included things like getting up at 7, taking a daily cold shower and writing ‘something’ every day.

I failed after day two, but now 4 days in I’ve bounced back from the failure. It wasn’t just about doing the challenge every day for 30 days, but more about changing a mindset. That mindset was success, or failure.

There is a nice little quote I heard recently which said ‘There are two kinds of people in this world, people who think they can, and people who think they can’t, the thing is – they’re both right’.

What to do when you fail

I think that’s important.

The failure was annoying, yes, but my mindset was the same. The mindset was; in 30 days time, you’ll have developed some really healthy habits and you’ll be on your way to success. I felt I needed to adopt some new habits like getting up earlier and cold showers to improve blood circulation, and I have.

Although I didn’t stick to the challenge completely, I have still ‘won’ in my opinion. I bounced back..

How to bounce back from failing at something

The next time you’re failing at something, remember that in the long run, you’re still learning something.

You could be learning what NOT to do next time. As long as you keep your mind on the end result, which is your goal or dream, whatever it may be – You should be able to learn from the failures. It’s a neat little skill to have, but as you know the world is a hard, cold place and unless you learn to pick yourself up you’ll stay down.

Sometimes, it can actually seem like nothing is working, you may feel like you can’t do anything and your dreams are just always out of reach. That’s normal.. lots of people experience that, but the winners are the ones who actually get back up and try again, knowing that what they tried before didn’t work.

They try something else, a new approach, a new shot. It’s a great habit to get into, otherwise you’ll find it all too easy to just give up. The other day, soon after waking up and realizing that I failed the 30 day thing, I wrote about 6 blog posts across all my sites. That sort of work normally takes me a lot longer than a day but I got it done.

I got it done because I was actually more motivated by failing than I was by actually getting up early the day before. It made me think that the choices are really ours every day.. Whatever we’re doing whether it’s working on a dream or just doing small things like getting up, the choice if ours.

I could have just wasted that day and said ‘I’ll start again tomorrow’, but instead I buckled down and got a lot of work done.

Of course, because it’s something I love doing, it doesn’t really feel like work but that’s not the point. (By the way, if you’d like to learn how to make money by doing something YOU love, you’ll like this page).