By taking two to four pills of Memotenz per day, the manufacturer claims you’ll experience improved memory and cognitive performance without any side effects. Is this a good nootropics?

We’ll have to see about that: 

Memotenz was brought to market by a Health Research Institute, and it features a 100% natural blend of various ingredients that drastically improve your brainpower.

It increases concentration, boosts alertness, and improves your memory and cognitive abilities regardless of your age without having to worry about side effects.

Pros & Cons

  • Pretty strong stack, great for beginners
  • Affordable which is a factor for beginners
  • Very little chance of side effects
  • Not as potent as other stacks
  • Won’t perform as well as more expensive stacks
  • Dosages could have been stronger


The Memotenz is manufactured in an FDA-approved lab, with high industry standards.

It can be used by adults of all ages, improving the user’s focus, accuracy, recall speed, and long-term memory, showing immediate results. It remains active throughout the day, helping your brain work at its full potential.

All the clams the manufacturer’s website sounds great, but can this product provide mental enhancement and any of the other benefits promoted by the manufacturer?

Ingredients and Formula Analysis

The brain, just like the heart, is a non-stop working organ. It manages and micro-manages all the processes our body goes through to properly functions.

It’s a marvelous organ that thrives on problem-solving, all the while keeping you alive and working.

But its proper nourishment is quite crucial for its optimal functionality.

To adequately address this issue, Memotenz uses carefully selected ingredients and its proprietary formula.

One capsule of Memotenz contains:

LINKS: The links in this article for ingredients like the ones above go to new tabs. This is for if you would like to get a specific ingredient on it’s own, without getting the whole nootropic.

This is important and useful for if you’re making your own nootropic stack.

It also includes some non-active ingredients, like gelatin, magnesium stearate, and di-calcium phosphate.

Various clinical research points towards conflicting, though positive evidence that taking 120-240mg of Ginkgo Biloba may improve cognitive performance.

Ginkgo biloba helps the absorption of glucose and enhances the transmission of nerve signals.

The proprietary blend of ingredients contained in the Memotenz capsule contains:

  • St. John’s Wort
  • Bacopa Monnieri
  • Acetyl-L Carnitine
  • Phosphatidylserine complex, and;
  • L-Glutamine HCI.

The St. John’s Wort works toward increasing the synthesis of the brain hormones. It achieves this by restraining the activity of hepatic tryptophan-2,3-dioxygenase.

It acts as a serotonergic antidepressant, which helps with mood issues and mental well-being.

Bacopa Monnieri is an adaptogen that enhances memory formation with Tryptophan Hydroxylase, while also reducing the chances of short-term forgetfulness.

Acetyl-L Carnitine preserves the levels of BDNF, a protein that promotes neuron growth and overall cognitive function.

It’s beneficial in repairing and creating new brain cells, improving brain health and energy, especially important for the elderly.

Phosphatidylserine is a fatty substance that covers and protects the cells in your brain, be improving the cell membrane’s integrity.

Consequently, it helps to defend the brain from toxins, pathogens, and other invaders.

L-Glutamine HCl is a form of glutamine, a common amino acid. Along with the gamma-aminobutyric acid, it’s one of the most critical neurotransmitters.

About the Formula

All the components of the Memotenz’s proprietary formula are known to be useful for memory-related conditions.


Since the formula is exclusive, there are no more data stated, like the amount and ratio of the substances used.

These substances are known to the scientific community, and so is their function.

However, being part of a proprietary formula, there is no way of knowing if the dosages are the same as those found beneficial in supporting studies.

The reason for obscuring the quantities of these substances remains unknown.

Keep in mind that you’re paying for a premium product, and Memotenz is advertised as such by the manufacturer.

There’s no legitimate, or any other reason for obscuring a proprietary formula, considering that other top-selling products show their full formulation on the package.

Memotenz “secret recipe” actually started an avalanche of reviews questioning the credibility of the proprietary formula.

The dimethylethanolamine is found to be an ineffective focus-enhancer, and more than often, it may cause the opposite effect.

And while Acetyl-L Carnitine does preserve levels of BDNF, no clinical evidence exists stating that it enhances cognition.

Still, the formula contains no banned or dangerous ingredients so that it won’t pose any health risk to otherwise healthy individuals.

However, it isn’t suitable for vegetarians or vegans, breastfeeding women, and any person under the age of 18.

Dosage and Side Effects of Memotenz

The recommended dosage, according to the manufacturer, is 1-2 capsules, twice a day. One or two pills should be taken with breakfast, and once again in the evening.

Memotenz is a 100% natural supplement, made of all-natural ingredients that are almost without any side effects. Each substance has scientifically proven health benefits, provided in the right amounts.

Specific side effects are known to occur;

However, they won’t be any worse than a temporary digestive upset. S

till, some ingredients of this formula have potential side effects, which may include constipation, itching, vivid dreams, confusion, drowsiness, or increased blood pressure.

St. John’s Wort may cause side effects like trouble sleeping, anxiety, irritability, and restlessness. Phosphatidylserine can, in doses higher than 300mg, cause insomnia.

You should consult your physician before purchasing and using this product, helping you avoid potential side effects.

Keep in mind that, even at your doctor’s advice, healthy individuals won’t receive maximum benefits from any substances in this dietary supplement.

Benefits and Detriments of Using Memotenz

Memotenz contains ingredients that may help improve your focus, concentration, memory, and overall cognitive performance.

The formula includes several components backed up by scientific studies that showed their beneficial effects, like St. John’s Wort. Also, the product is backed up by a 30-day money-back guarantee.


None of the ingredients used in the formula are FDA-recognized nootropics.

This product is unlikely to improve memory and recall abilities in healthy individuals and can have potentially adverse side effects.

Don’t let that put you off though.

Many of them have lots of subjective experiences from people claiming they work really well. I personally prefer to stick to nootropics that have ALL of their ingredients well researched. 


Memotenz seems to be a well-placed product, backed up by the manufacturing company with a 30-day refund policy.

Although several of the ingredients found in this product proved to be useful for memory-related issues, no clinical studies are suggesting the validity of said product.

The bottom line, the most valuable use of your time and money would be talking to your doctor first, before placing an order on any supplement, not just Memotenz.

We advise caution when purchasing this product because, though FDA approved, there is no clinical evidence of its effectiveness.

Pros & Cons

  • Pretty strong stack, great for beginners
  • Affordable which is a factor for beginners
  • Very little chance of side effects
  • Not as potent as other stacks
  • Won’t perform as well as more expensive stacks
  • Dosages could have been stronger