Dating is, and always has been, confusing. But it’s even more difficult if you’re a digital nomad that has to move and travel every few months. You have to always be on the move, and most people don’t really understand the lifestyle, and some don’t want to get attached because they know you’ll end up halfway across the world pretty soon.

If you do decide to date or get intimate with people on your travels as a digital nomad, you’ll no doubt run into a few intereting characters. Don’t let this put you off but be aware of this!

The 7 types of digital nomad you’ll meet and date

But as difficult as it is, there’s still plenty of fish in the sea, thanks to the different digital nomad dating apps and websites. And today, we are going to talk about the types of people that you can meet while in the dating pool as a digital nomad.

1: The one that’s travelled everywhere and knows everything

Of course, you may want to date someone who has been to more than just a few places. As a digital nomad, you are going to have a lot more common interests and possibly have even travelled to the same locations, so there’s plenty of things that the two of you can talk about. The things you’ve done, the things that made an impact, where you’d love to go again. The possibilities are endless.


Unfortunately, this is difficult with the ‘traveled everywhere, knows everything’ person. This person has, very literally, been everywhere, and done everything that can be done in all of those places. So anything that you suggest or recommend doing is never going to be good enough, no matter how creative you try to be. Because they’ve already done all of it. They may also try to one-up all your moves and even try to tell you that your way of travel is completely wrong.

2: The confused one

This is the most common response if you’re dating outside the digital nomad community. People have a hard time understanding how we can leave our homes, families and everything that is there, as well as be on the move every few months. They tend to be closed off to the idea of moving anywhere for you, even if you are open to the idea of taking a longer stay at their location, if they are the right person for you.

They also tend to live about an hour away from wherever you are staying and expects you to visit every single time you want to meet up. These people are always stuck in their ways with no way of getting them out or changing their minds.

3: The nomad on a budget

Of course, when you are travelling, you need to have a well-functioning budget. This is important. But it’s really easy to find a person who expects you to pay for everything because they can’t afford it, as it’s not in their budget. If you don’t have the funds, don’t go out in the first place. Of course, you shouldn’t mind paying once or twice, but doing it every single time, because it’s not in their budget is a bit ridiculous.

4: The absolute baller nomad

This is the person that could easily take the top spot as the most interesting person in the world. I mean, just in the last two days they’ve visited a few different countries, went to two different celebrity parties and they even used to be an expert for the Australian government.

They also always carry more cash on them than you’ll ever see in your bank account at once and are a very smooth talker. Be careful around people like this, because you might feel intimidated. And just when you think they are faking all of it, they’ll show you all the pictures that all of it really happened.

5: The sexpat (sleep with everyone)

This is the type of person you tend to meet at a bar, or even on Tinder, that’s only there for a few days. They are here with their friends for a quick getaway and their only aim is to just get as drunk as possible and have a good time. After all, they are on vacation, right?

6: The rude one

There are terrible people all over the world. I mean, you can find them anywhere, from your corner store at home, to the exotic restaurant across the globe. It doesn’t matter where you are, terrible people are out there. These are people who are just looking for a quick hookup. They never call back and also tend to be very rude all throughout you quick ‘relationship’.

7: The clingy romantic

No one likes being ghosted, but honestly, with this type of person, that may be the best thing to do. With the clingy type of person, you’ll get to go out on one or two dates, and by the third one, they are already in love with you. Sure, you have chemistry, but they tend to put you on a pedestal for having travelled so much. And you can feel it in your gut, that something is missing.

They also won’t stop texting and calling you to try and get a hold of you to chat. You may have gone on that next date, but they just wouldn’t let you breathe for even a minute. This person needs to understand that you can’t be chatting with them all day, you have other important things you need to take care of in your own life.

Although there are plenty of different people you will come across while dating as a digital nomad, but these types tend to be universal and always pop up, in any location.