Top 10 YouTube Videos To Motivate You!

I’d like to share a little selection of videos which I feel really inspire you to be your best. They certainly inspired me and I always watch these videos when I’m feeling low or feeling like I can’t do whatever I’m trying to do. Video 1...

Keep Moving Forward, No Matter How Bad Your Day Was

You’ve just got home from work after a long, hard day. You’ve worked hard but you felt that it wasn’t appreciated as much as you’d have liked. So what do you do? What do you now spend your time doing? Do you sit down and watch TV? Maybe you log...

What To Do When No-One Supports You

‘That’s a ridiculous idea, it will never work. Why don’t you just get a job?’ This is said all too much by mediocre minds, sometimes even your friends and the people around you will say things like this when you tell them about your plans for...

‘I Have No Skills’ Is No Longer An Excuse To Fail

And to be honest, it never was. I have heard a few people tell me they can’t get rich or start their own business or achieve their dreams because they say ‘I have no skills’.. What’s that got to do with anything? Even if for example, a person...

How To Build Your Confidence Up Quickly

I’m sure there are lots of people who are shy or a little bit anxious in some situations, it’s natural and part of human behavior but sometimes we just wish that we had more confidence! That ability to approach someone and start a conversation, stand up to...

You Should Have Always Started Yesterday

Everyone has something they want to do, whether it’s writing a book, getting that dream job or making money online, but it seems that no matter what it is, you should have always started it earlier. It’s as if we can never start at the ‘right...