There’s nothing as important to the human mind as sensory control.

This control over your sensory is highly dependent on both cognitive and biological functions.

Yet, due to several factors, it is not uncommon to come across individuals that may experience difficulty with their cognitive functions.

This is where nootropic drugs such as Noocube jump in.

Noocube nootropic is a dietary supplement, ideally designed to tackle issues with cognitive functions. It is also used to enhance both memory and other cognitive functions. It is extremely effective at improving short term memory and countering performance anxiety.

In fact, you may even term it as an upgrade of the Alpha brain drug.

Furthermore, the best thing about this variant is its forthcoming packaging.

Unlike the Alpha brain variant, the Noocube plainly reveals its ingredients serving sizes rather than to mask them behind proprietary brands.

If you are in a hurry, here’s a quick summary:

Pros & Cons

  • Enhances focus and concentration
  • Ample serving of Bacopa monnieri and Tyrosine
  • Enhances reaction time and alertness
  • significantly improves memory-related cognitive functions
  • Improves mental clarity
  • Huperzine A content requires the Noocube to be cycled
  • Consistent uptake increases the synthesis of too much acetylcholine
  • The Alpha GPC content is too low

How Does The Noocube Nootropic Function?

What makes the Noocube nootropic effective is that it is a blend of different nootropic.

The number one contributor to affected cognitive functions is age.

Although, there are other existing factors.

These factors include;

  • Poor diet
  • Increased stress
  • Diseases

Woman, Face, Bullying, Stress, Shame, Be Ashamed, Hide

During this time, the brain is virtually attacked inhibiting its normal function.

Generally, when the brain is working at a normal state,  neurotransmitters such as dopamine, acetylcholine and serotonin effect faster and effective nerve communication

Yet, when affected, brain communication becomes slow and less efficient.

The effects of a slow and less effective brain include;

  • Poor memory
  • Trouble and difficulty learning
  • Poor attention and focus

The Noocube nootropic tackles this problem.

This, in turn, helps to improve your cognitive functions.

Other than working on the neurotransmitter functions, the nootropic also works to enhance blood flow to the brain for increased oxidation and brain health.

Ultimately, it provides improved results giving overall enhanced focus, mental speed and memory.

Benefits of Noocube

But typically, the nootropic is known to deliver 5 common ‘effects’.

These include;

  • Increased focus and concentration
  • Enhanced memory function
  • Improved learning capacity
  • Improved multitasking
  • Improved mental energy

Thus, looking at the Noocube from a broader perspective, it is, in fact, a go-to all-round cognitive function enhancing supplement.

Noocube nootropic covers everything from memory based functions to concentration, mental energy, and multitasking.

The Noocube nootropic bottle comes with 60 capsules.

Many people start with a dosage of 2 capsules every morning with breakfast.

And with just two capsules of Noocube in no more than 30 minutes, you can resume your daily tasks as usual.

After using the nootropic for some time, you can even choose to increase your dosage to 3 or 4 capsules a day.

But the 4 capsules should be the limit for the day.

However, to get personalized advice, it’s always good to consult a physician.

Generally, a consistent uptake of your Noocube nootropics renders them effective in 6 to 8 weeks.

Hence, it is during this time when you will start to experience and to notice the changes.

Yet, you must also beg to ask the question of whether or not the Noocube nootropic tackles mental stress.

The Noocube nootropic is designed to enhance cognitive and mental efficiency quite well. Yet, it cannot significantly address mental stress, which is a significant component of your mental and cognitive functions.

What Does The Noocube Nootropic Contain?

The Noocube contains up to 1009.44 mg of its iX4 proprietary blend.

Typically, the ingredients include;

  • Bacopa Monnieri extract, 250mg
  • L-Tyrosine, 250mg
  • Cat’s claw 4:1 concentrated extract/ Uncarria tomentosa, 175mg
  • Oat straw 1-0:1 extract/Avena sativa, 150mg
  • L-Theanine100mg
  • Alpha GPC, 50mg
  • Huperzine A Serrata 20mg
  • Resveratrol 99% 14.3mg
  • Pterostilbene 140mg

Generally, this means that the nootropic has a fair amount of Bacopa Monnieri and Tyrosine.

However, the Huperzine A and Alpha GPC amounts are lower.

To get a better understanding of each ingredient, refer below on their outlines;

Bacopa monnieri, 250mg

Bacopa monnieri is otherwise known as bacosides.

The bacosides extract holds up to 20% concentration in the Noocube nootropic.

This extract accounts for a significant part of the Noocube’s ingredients. And it is with a valid reason. The extract boasts excellent memory enhancing functions, thus, helping to significantly boost memory based cognitive functions.

The bacosides work by fostering the growth of the dendrite neurons that are associated with memory.

In just 6 to 12 weeks of consistent uptake, you will start to notice its effectiveness.

However, others argue that better nootropics will have a more refined concentration of the extract for more effectiveness.

L-Tyrosine, 250mg

L-Tyrosine matches the same proportions of Bacopa monnieri.

As an anxiolytic, L-Tyrosine significantly tackles anxiety and reduces it to a great margin.

Thus, during your time of acute mental and physical stress, L-tyrosine helps to sharpen your focus.

Tyrosine has been proven to improve cognitive function if you are in stressful situations.

It especially works great for individuals suffering from sleep deprivation, exposure to extreme cold, loud noises or intensive multitasking.

However, it doesn’t directly tackle stress rather than to replace it by enhancing your focus.

Cat’s claw 4:1 concentrated extract/ Uncarria tomentosa, 175mg

Cat’s claw is a continuation of the Alpha brain ingredients.

Yet, in the scientific world, there is no existing literature or studies of its proven functions and effects.

Although, many people claim that it is great at countering allergies.

Oat straw 1-0:1 extract/Avena sativa, 150mg

Oat straw is believed to have minimal anxiolytic properties.

However, similar to the cat’s claws there are no significant studies to prove its functionality or effects.

Comparable to the cat’s claws, it is also an ingredient in the Alpha brain nootropic, an older variant of the Noocube.

L-Theanine, 100mg

The L-Theanine in the Noocube comes quite handy.

L-Theanine is a relaxant. It is known to function quite effectively as a natural sleep enhancer. And its interactions with caffeine is what makes it a favorite ingredient. It enhances its positive effects whilst suppressing the worst ones.

So for one, it is great at suppressive the overstimulation of caffeine that prevents sleep.

So if you are a notorious coffee drinker, taking Noocube which contains L-Theanine prevents the overstimulation of caffeine.

Alpha GPC, 50mg

The Alpha GPC is Noocube nootropic is essential to its function.

The ingredient accounts for the enhanced focus, alertness and short term working memory. It works by increasing choline in the brain. This increase of choline also increases the synthesis of acetylcholine, an essential and main neurotransmitter.

This process also increases the synthesis of Phospohaditdylcholine, which is essential for cell signaling.

Yet, with Noocube, unlike many other good quality nootropics, it doesn’t boast enough of it.

As Noocube contains only 50mg of Alpha GPC, other good quality nootropics contain up to 200mg of Alpha GPC.

Huperzine A Serrata, 20mg

The Noocube nootropic contains Huperzia Serrate at a potency of 5%.

This extract comes from a plant that is a native of India and Southeast Asia.

It is otherwise known as Chinese or toothed clubmoss.

This ingredient works to foster and accentuate the power of acetylcholine in the brain.

It does so by inhibiting the acetylcholinesterase enzyme that normally breaks down the acetylcholine after passing through neurons.

However, acetylcholine must also be regulated. Too much of it may be detrimental to your brain.

This means that the Huperzine A Serrata has to be cycled for effectiveness.

Acetylcholine, Cation, Neurotransmitter, Molecule

Resveratrol 99%, 14.3mg

Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant.

You can commonly find it in fruits, vegetables, and wine.

Yet, because it is not effectively absorbed in wines, it is virtually useless to drink wines in pursuit of its antioxidant properties.

Thus, at only 14.35mg in the Noocube nootropics, it is nearly useless.

Pterostilbene, 140mg

Pterostilbene is considered to be a more powerful variant of the resveratrol.

Plus, it is more readily available and easier to access.

At 140mg, it is also more potent in the Noocube.

Yet, there are not enough studies to prove its effectiveness and to showcase functionality.

How Much Better Is This Newer Variant – Noocube Nootropic?

Noocube tends to be more forthcoming with its listed ingredients.

Thus, for consumers it is favored for this transparency thus, making it better than its older variant, Alpha brain.

The best part of this nootropic is the enhancement of memory based cognitive functions as well as improved focus, concentration and anxiety.

So if your main issue is the above cognitive problems, you can go wrong with it.

Yet, similar to the Alpha rain, the Noocube nootropic is still limited to tackling stress.

Furthermore, the Huperzine Serrata A content makes it necessary to cycle it, lest you risk dangers from too much acetylcholine.

Furthermore, the lower content of Alpha GPC means that you can get a better option for enhanced focus, alertness and short term working memory.

You want a nootropic with at least 150mg of Alpha GPC to ensure optimal effectiveness.

Furthermore, the inclusion of some ingredients may, in fact, be useless.

These ingredients include;

  • Cat’s claw
  • Oat straw
  • Resveratrol
  • Pterostilbene

Whilst cat claws and oat straw doesn’t boast any proven effectiveness or functionality.

Resveratrol and Pterostilbene, as antioxidants, don’t have a justified reason for their inclusion in this memory and cognitive supplement.

 The Side Effects Of Noocube Nootropic

The Noocube nootropic only holds limitations in terms of limited potency to some ingredients.

However, Noocube is a side effect free nootropic.

The supplement has gone through several testing and selection of ingredients to ensure it is safe.

Some of the most common processes it has gone through are;

  • Ingredients selected by top neuroscientists
  • Rigorous clinical tests
  • No addition of caffeine or GMOs
  • Built with safety and efficacy

Yet, you must remember the Huperzine A which directly affects your acetylcholine levels in the brain.

Huperzine A works by inhibiting the acetylcholinesterase enzyme, thus, increasing the acetylcholine levels in your brain.

Increased levels of acetylcholine can reach a point where they become detrimental.

Thus, without the cycle process, increased acetylcholine can bring side effects that contradict the drug’s functions.

The increased side effects include;

  • Loss of focus
  • Mood swings
  • Headaches
  • Confusion

Regulating The Noocube Nootropic

You don’t have to worry much about the side effects of the Huperzine A ingredient if you follow the recommendations.

  • It is advised to take a frequent break from using the nootropic to allow your acetylcholine levels to balance.
  • Typically, you would take the nootropic for 3 weeks, then immediately avoid taking the drug for 10 days.
  • Continue the cycle to ensure consistency.

However, to get proper medical advice on the use of Noocube nootropic, it is always best to consult a physician.

Consulting your physician helps you understand the whole drug and its ingredients rather than just the Huperzine A.

And in case you experience any cognitive including sensory decline, stop its usage and immediately consult a physician.

Bottom Line

At the end of the day, the Noocube nootropic is an okay cognitive boosting supplement.

In general, the nootropic boasts both positive and non-functional ingredients.

To boost memory based cognitive functions, the Bacopa Monnieri content proves to be more than enough. This, in turn, makes the Noocube nootropic amongst the best supplemental drug to foster and enhance memory based cognitive functions.

The L-Tyrosine content also helps to complement the Bacopa Monnieri.

Whilst it focuses on memory retention, L-Tyrosine effectively and significantly tackles stress.

Yet, this is another limitation.

The Noocube nootropic doesn’t act as a stress reliever, but it works to cover up the stress.

It does so by sharpening your focus and enhancing cognitive function in stressful situations.

The limited ingredients also affect its function.

The Alpha GPC in this nootropic, for example, is at a significant low.

Thus, the supplemental drug is not as effective when it comes to information processing.

The cycle based usage of the nootropic to counter the Huperzine A, also means that you are limiting the uptake of other ingredients.

Most importantly, you are limiting the uptake of Bacopa Monnieri.

For Bacopa Monnieri to really be effective, you need to frequently take it for at least 6 to 8 weeks.

Thus, the abrupt breaks every 2 to 3 weeks, makes its efficiency limited and somewhat useless.

Pros & Cons

  • Enhances focus and concentration
  • Ample serving of Bacopa monnieri and Tyrosine
  • Enhances reaction time and alertness
  • significantly improves memory-related cognitive functions
  • Improves mental clarity
  • Huperzine A content requires the Noocube to be cycled
  • Consistent uptake increases the synthesis of too much acetylcholine
  • The Alpha GPC content is too low